General practitioner


In the medical field the term “general practitioner” refers to a doctor who (GP) can be described as a doctor who deals with chronic and acute diseases and offers preventive care as well as health education to patients of all different ages. Their work is not restricted to specific areas of medicine. They have special expertise in treating patients who have multiple health concerns. They are certified to treat patients at a level of complexity that differs across nations.

One of the most fundamental aspects of general practice is continuity which connects episodes of different illnesses. A greater degree of continuity with the general practitioner has been demonstrated to lower the requirement for out-of-hours care and admission to acute hospitals. In addition, continuity with general practitioners reduces the risk of dying.

A GP’s role doctor will vary widely in (or in some) countries. In the urban areas of developed nations, their responsibilities tend to be less specific and focused on the treatment of chronic health conditions as well as the treatment of life-threatening acute illnesses; early diagnosis and referral to specialists for patients with serious illnesses; and the provision of preventive health care, including health education and vaccination. In rural areas of the developed world or in countries with a poorer population, a general practitioner may be regularly involved in emergency care, the birth of infants, and community hospitalization as well as performing minimally complex surgery. In certain healthcare systems, GPs are employed in primary care facilities where they play an integral part of the healthcare team, whereas in other forms of care doctors can be single-handed physicians.

The term” general practitioner” or GP is a common term throughout The United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Africa, New Zealand, and several different Commonwealth countries. The term ” physician” is usually reserved for other medical professionals, particularly within the field of internal medicine. In these countries, the word GP has a clear meaning however, the term GP is not so clear in North America the term has been somewhat unclear and sometimes is used in conjunction in a sense of family physician as well as a primary doctor as explained.

In the country of New Zealand, most GPs doctors are employed in health clinics and centers typically as part of the Primary Health Organisation (PHO). They are funded on the level of a population and based on the characteristics of the practice’s patients (referred to by the term capitation-based financing). Fee-for-service contracts are still available alongside other funders like the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) in addition to accepting copayments by patients in order to supplement the capitation-based funding.

The primary qualification for medical professionals for medical students in New Zealand is the MBChB degree (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) that has historically been awarded after the completion of an undergraduate, five or six-year degree. In NZ the new graduates have to successfully complete all GPEP (General Practitioner Education Program) stages I and II to receive the title of Fellowship from the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (FRNZCGP) and includes the PRIMEX assessment as well as additional CME and peer group sessions of learning as instructed from the RNZCGP. The holders of the award of FRNZCGP can seek specialist recognition through the New Zealand Medical Council (MCNZ) following which they are regarded as experts in general practice by the council as well as the community. In 2009, the NZ Government increased the number of places on the state-funded program for GP doctor training.

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